Even if you've never been, this will be a great opportunity to take care of local public lands, meet fellow climbers and outdoor enthusiasts, and have a great time doing it! We'll spend Saturday doing various projects in the park from trail work to invasive species removal, and will then have the special opportunity to camp in the park Saturday night. Volunteers will enjoy complementary lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast Sunday. After a day of hard work, volunteers can spend Sunday exploring the park, hiking, bouldering or climbing with friends!

Photo Credit: Indy Kochte
Due to the size of the camping area we are limited to 75 campers, so sign up to guarantee your spot!
Where: Rocks State Park
When: Saturday April 21 at 9am - Sunday April 22 at 3pm
What: Getting dirty with MAC and the Access Fund. Get all the details at our event page.
Projects Include:
Building a new emergency access trail to the cliffs.
Fixing a bridge
Removing invasive species and encroaching pricker-bushes to the cliff base
and more!
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We're excited to have the following companies contributing to make this event a success!