Of course you do! - and The Access Fund is making it really easy.
Why Should I become a Member?
The Access Fund recently announced a special member rate of $25 with a portion of that going directly to Mid-Atlantic Climbers!
And on top of that, if we bring in the most new memberships by December 18, Mid Atlantic Climbers will win a $1,000 grant for 2010! Money that will be used to fund future service events (like Rockfest and the Adopt-a-Crags events) but also helping to ensure local access at crags across the region.
How do I become a Member?
Fill out this form on the Access Fund's website- be sure to put “Mid Atlantic Climbers” in the Affiliate Organization box!
What are the Member Benefits?
As an Access Fund member, not only do you get the assurance that you’re helping the climbing community, you will also receive discounts on great outdoor gear and merchandise from:
- prAna
- Mountain Gear
- Zeal
- Rock & Ice
- and others
In addition to discounts on merchandise from the AF store, members also receive the Access Fund's newsletter Vertical Times 3x yearly. And of course, members know they are helping to protect our climbing areas at home and across the country.
Do not delay, become an Access Fund member for only $25 today and support Mid-Atlantic Climbers while you’re at it.