Thursday, December 20, 2012

Shenandoah ROMP Update and Extension

As some readers may have already heard, Shenandoah National Park recently released an update to their Rock Outcrop Management Plan, or ROMP.  This latest version had some new restrictions on climbing in the park, and there was a very short comment period.

A joint effort from Mid Atlantic Climbers, the Mountaineering Section of the PATC, the Access Fund, and the American Alpine club was successful in getting the comment period extended until January 12th, 2013.

We encourage all climbers to read the ROMP, however we at Mid Atlantic Climbers be posting our thoughts along with suggested comments.

You can find the 2012 update to the ROMP here.

For a highlighted comparison between the 2008 and 2012 version, click here. Thanks to Jenny O'Brien for this.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Two Day Membership Special

We've had a really productive 2012, and we're excited about doing more in 2013.  We're thankful to all the climbers in our community that have become members of the Access Fund, because as the local affiliate, we receive a portion of their membership dues.  These funds help us organize our Adopt-a-Crags every year and continue to be a force in protecting local climbing.

Today and tomorrow, the Access Fund is hosting a membership drive at 20%off. 

Join or renew your Access Fund / Mid Atlantic Climbers membership today to ensure that we end the year strong and continue to protect climbing in 2013. 

PS - this is a great opportunity to give someone a really awesome holiday gift!